
soft and green

Hola from the Amazon jungle in Peru, Picture the scene, a very long way from the Amazon: a classroom in Dubai. All of the students are Arabs from the arid Middle East. They’re used to desert landscapes and they’re used to coping with the vicissitudes of such places. They’re not only used to deserts, they’re …Read More


the birds and the bees

Hola from the Amazon jungle in Peru, What a shame that it seems we have to perceive something as an economic asset before we value it. It all presupposes human primacy on a planet that we share with other life. The jungle in the Amazon is worth keeping, and not just for its economic value. …Read More


freedom and captivity

Hola from Peru, All zoo enclosures are too small. No matter how the zoo increases the size with a view to accommodate the needs of the sensate being captured within, it will always be a tiny fraction of the natural habitat. The condor in captivity is a crime. San Diego Zoo has condors on show …Read More