
shirts and skins

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,       It took a boat trip on the river to convince us that the waterways are the major thoroughfares in this country. The surface road there was a dirt track barely capable of taking the traffic. (Apparently it shows as an expressway on maps of the country! Some cartographer’s joke, …Read More


mergers and acquisitions

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,      Quote of the Week (from Taaseen in Grade 12 Business, when I asked him about the discrepancy between his oral contributions and his written responses on the topic of Methods of Production): “I’ve always been more interested in mergers and acquisitions.”    Taaseen is a local Bangladeshi, from the …Read More


reds and whites

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,       Under normal circumstances, both Linda and I are disdainful of the shopping experience; anti-shoppers to be sure. But these are clearly not normal circumstances. The shopping experience here is such an enjoyable one, we are finding ourselves unaccountably and unexpectedly seeking out opportunities to buy things.     …Read More


cricket vs education

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,          Bangladesh is certainly proving to be a multi-dimensional experience for us. Whilst the work has us in a kind of cocoon, we are sufficiently intrepid to make some reliable observations, even if they are somewhat based on limited perspectives thus far.  measures of development     Bangladesh …Read More


Miss Linda and Mr Greg

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,         Bob Newhart knew how to hit the nail on the head. I love his skit in which he tells the story of the nightwatchman’s first night on the job. He says, as a general observation, no matter how thorough the training, the first problem one encounters on the …Read More


stares and whispers

Shuvo shokal from Dhaka,      Foreigners here generally refer to themselves as ‘ex-pats’, regardless of their origin and despite the fact that they are actually here and not home. Some appear to endure their time abroad, at least in this country, rather than embracing the differences. Linda and I have difficulty understanding the fact …Read More

New Zealand

time and tide

Kia ora from New Zealand, Timing is everything, they say. Just ask a magician, a comedian, an actor or even a footballer. Also, it’s important for winter travellers in New Zealand’s stunningly beautiful South Island. We are here for a sightseeing and skiing holiday before heading for the tropics for our appointment in Dhaka, Bangladesh. …Read More


wet and dry

G’day from the Top End, Australia, What a difference to a landscape water can make. We are in the Northern Territory of Australia. This is the Top End, where the seasons are generally divided into wet and dry. This is the dry season when there exists the best opportunity to appreciate the power and extent …Read More


ebb and flow

  G’day from Broome, The Japanese pearlers discovered the big pearls here in 1861 and established a town to exploit the resource in the 1880s. Cable Beach (22 kms of pristine sand just a bit further north on the same peninsula) is so-named because the communications cable to Java went into the sea there in …Read More


. . . in 45 degrees

G’day from Broome,   I’m only quoting Midnight Oil here, not offering a weather report. As Dan remarked yesterday as we approached Derby and the radio announcer crossed to the weather forecast, it would be a fairly easy job up this way to predict the weather. As Kerry O’Keeffe said in his inimical style, just …Read More